CrossFit Dictionary- CrossFit Lingo

For those of you who are new to CrossFit, there may be a few words, phrases, or even perhaps some trash talk going down that’s got you scratching your head in bewilderment with an utter look of confusion. Coaches and athletes in the CrossFit Box (or gym) use a host of...

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Why Sleep is the Forgotten Piece of Success

Why Sleep is the Forgotten Piece of Success

Looking to get faster results from all the effort you’re putting in at the gym? If so, sleep might just be what you should focus on. Many people put all the effort into doing more workouts, doing more cardio, dieting more often, and so forth but neglect sleep...

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Why CrossFit Helps Burn Fat Faster

Why CrossFit Helps Burn Fat Faster

Looking to jumpstart fat loss progress? If so, you should be considering adding some CrossFit workout sessions into the mix. This form of workout is going to earn top marks for not only boosting fat loss success, but also for increasing your overall fitness level as...

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Why Stress May be Causing Fat Gain

Why Stress May be Causing Fat Gain

If you’re someone who’s feeling highly stressed, you need to take caution because this could actually be at the root of why you can’t seem to shed those last few pounds – or worse, are now actually gaining body weight. Fat gain can come about due to a...

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Building a Better Smoothie: 4 Must Use Ingredients

Building a Better Smoothie: 4 Must Use Ingredients

If you’re someone who loves blending up a smoothie for a mid-afternoon snack, or maybe you take one with you first thing in the morning because sitting down for a breakfast meal isn’t something that you can fit into your busy schedule, you need to know how to create...

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